About Me

My photo
I live in Florida but my family of 8 is going to Africa. We are adopting A girl named Gift. I'm already in Africa in Uganda at Amani Baby Cottage.I started putting newspapers on a refrigerator and now I have my own blog. I started helping babies and it's really fun. Some time you need to come to Amani. And I am a Christian.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

good bye

My brother...left with my grandma
and our friend alyssa (go to older p
osts to hear about her)...well there
gone. but my mom just called and while I am typing she was talkin
g with him. But now she is talking
to my grandma but now she is off
and now she is talking to my dad


  1. Hey Jeremy, Samuel was out cold on the way home, but at home he started playing with all his weapons & toys...eat a Rolex for me and have Diarrhea for me...Big Vinny (or Dad to you) give mom a smooch for me, well you don't have...uh..nevermind

  2. Hey jeremy, Samuel has requested to put a different pic of him online...kinda funny, that is my Captain Hook jumpsuit when I was 11yrs old!

  3. Jeremy, I sure enjoyed you spending the night and playing games and taching ya Origami. Hope you had fun!!! Love ya
