About Me

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I live in Florida but my family of 8 is going to Africa. We are adopting A girl named Gift. I'm already in Africa in Uganda at Amani Baby Cottage.I started putting newspapers on a refrigerator and now I have my own blog. I started helping babies and it's really fun. Some time you need to come to Amani. And I am a Christian.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Good and bad

OK we get our ruling soon and everything is going good so fare but the bad news is...
there is a big volcano in Iceland and it erupts I think 2 times every 100 years something like
that you can google it. And there are no more flights to the u.s.a. cause the ashes are so
high that they will hurt the engines.


  1. we came home just in time before the volcano! have you made play dough yet? We had doughuts yesterday, david and courtney had ones with sprinkles, they were happy. I have enjoyed drinking root beer again. How is everyone?

  2. Yes we did it was hard so finily we improvised
    ... did I spell that right... and did you have
    to say doouughuts? and... roooooooooooooooooot
    beeeeeeeeer. everyone is good sometimes I will
    just break down and want to go home and I was
    thinking I will miss looking outside and see
    bats and hear a jungle of birds bats nda bugs so yeah
    well bi
